
I wanted to extend my thanks to all those who have helped us over the last three months. Had it not been for your generosity, we would not have survived. And most importantly, we would not have been able to be by Biggun's side. There are no words that can express how much it means to me that I was given that opportunity.

Our situation is not nearly as dire as it was. We still take it day by day and manage our money very carefully. Hike for Heroes recently assisted us by putting $2000 directly towards bills we owed, which was a huge relief for us.

If you are still interested in helping or donating, we most definitely need items to gear up for Biggun coming home. There are certain things we still need such as a baby swing, bouncer, walker, bottles, diapers, wipes, and any/all sorts of baby clothes. He is currently wearing 0-3 months.

Donations can still be done the same way - You can go to and donate to the email You can also go to any CHASE bank and put in a deposit to Joshua Daniel Keslar. Any questions you might have can be sent to the email address.

Again, thank you for all your support. You kept us alive and by our baby's side. I cannot thank you enough for that.

Saturday, March 31, 2012


No big updates to post, except that he's now taking a bottle occasionally! But I thought I would post some pictures ^.^

Much Love,
Rachel and Joshua

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