
I wanted to extend my thanks to all those who have helped us over the last three months. Had it not been for your generosity, we would not have survived. And most importantly, we would not have been able to be by Biggun's side. There are no words that can express how much it means to me that I was given that opportunity.

Our situation is not nearly as dire as it was. We still take it day by day and manage our money very carefully. Hike for Heroes recently assisted us by putting $2000 directly towards bills we owed, which was a huge relief for us.

If you are still interested in helping or donating, we most definitely need items to gear up for Biggun coming home. There are certain things we still need such as a baby swing, bouncer, walker, bottles, diapers, wipes, and any/all sorts of baby clothes. He is currently wearing 0-3 months.

Donations can still be done the same way - You can go to and donate to the email You can also go to any CHASE bank and put in a deposit to Joshua Daniel Keslar. Any questions you might have can be sent to the email address.

Again, thank you for all your support. You kept us alive and by our baby's side. I cannot thank you enough for that.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


We have been discharged and had our follow up, and he's gained 2 oz! So our 6 lbs 12 oz baby is doing great!

Still planning to head back up to Utah in the very near future, so I will keep everyone posted.

Thank you for the thoughts and prayers!

Much Love,
Rachel and Joshua

Friday, April 13, 2012


He lost 10 grams last night, so we are taking an extra day as a precaution. Dad and I are learning all the fun "baby" care things we need to know for a baby of his stature. We are hoping for Sunday.

Keep you posted!!

Much Love,
Rachel and Joshua

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Coming home

Biggun is coming home! Just a few things they need to do.... Immunizations, altitude test and circumcision, but Sunday looks to be the day!

Thank you to all those who supported us. We would not have made it if not for you!

Much Love,
Rachel and Joshua

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Nothing major to report, and because I'm not in Cali right now, I'm in Utah, I don't have any pictures of the bug. But I wanted to report that he's an astounding 6 lbs 4 oz!!!

I also wanted to mention that since his eyesight will be limited, stimulation is going to be a big deal. We've decided to keep the nursery in a black/gray/dark blue hue. A good friend of mine, Jana Wheelwright, has offered to make us the bumper pad and comforter for his crib. In the first picture, the black and white will be the siding, and the black will be what goes on top. We found some beautiful thread to use as attachment to the crib itself. We also picked out some fabric for his comforter. It's going to be gray and black checkerboard on one side, and on the other, she's going to use silver thread and write "Joshua Daniel Keslar II" in binary on a black background. Then she'll put a black border on it.
Joshua's name in Binary is:

Obviously quite a bit of text, but since she is helping us make it rather than buy it to help with costs, we thought we would go with something unique.

This is the other phrase I liked:

Which means, "Like a thought brushing up against a sigh"

I'm definitely excited to be working on the nursery... Makes me feel like he'll be here soon! We bought a corkboard that I'm going to cover in black fabric and put ribbon/buttons on to decorate as a wall decoration. We are going to end up going with a techie theme given my love of technology, and the black and gray will help keep his nursery a place of low stimulation. I also picked up the good ol' wooden letters that I'm going to paint black with dark blue trimming and some silver metallic detail to it. I'd like to get a black chalkboard to hang on the wall... Something that's maybe 24 in x 24 in. If you have any ideas, feel free to let me know, I'd love to hear them!

Keep the prayers coming!

Much Love,
Rachel and Joshua

Picture of Rachel and Billey
Colors for the bumper - black/white for the sides, black for the top and bottom lining with black and white checkered thread as the string to attach it to the bed.

Big thanks again to Jana for helping us make the baby blanket/bumper. We would never have been able to afford an entire set, so this is amazing!

(This is not the first blanket we have received. I have received several others, and I want to express how honored and excited I am to have had those created for our little guy. We are so blessed to have you in our lives).

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Happy update

5 lbs 11 oz, he's taking a bottle 53% of the time, and we think his eyes will be okay. Nothing but good news!!

Keep the prayers coming!

Much Love,
Rachel and Joshua

Saturday, March 31, 2012


No big updates to post, except that he's now taking a bottle occasionally! But I thought I would post some pictures ^.^

Much Love,
Rachel and Joshua

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Big update

So we had another care conference with the doctor on rounds with our little Biggun. They want to try him on straight formula, because they think the medication I take when I pump might affect him. It's all safe for nursing babies, but say they grab a frozen specimen from when I was on Zoloft, then next grab one from my change to Celexa, his body isn't properly acclimating to the changes like our normal bodies would.
So right now his primary reasons for being in the PICN are feeding and eyes. According to Dr. Moshfeghi, his eyes are doing phenomenal! But they just want to be sure before they release him since they know we will be leaving the state once he is released.
Their other concern is he isn't nipping. I found this a little odd because just today I decided to shed my bra and shirt and hold him skin to skin, and not only did he latch, but he drank me out! All the while being hooked up to be fed via machine into his nose down into his tummy. So he got his usual 50 ml of milk plus the extra 20 or so that was supplies via breastfeeding. I'll tell you, it was the most AMAZING feeling to feel him breastfeed. There really is no other feeling quite like it. I felt like I could contribute, you know?

He is also now a whopping 5 lbs 4 oz and counting! His weight gain has been nothing but phenomenal since his upturn into health. I am so proud of his progress. The only negative thing to report was the developmental team seemed concerned that his movements weren't super coordinated. He was able to reach up and suck his own thumb which was awesome! But they worry he is behind on his milestones... Not totally unexpected for his age and issues thus far. They say he is 37 weeks, but by my calculations, he should only be 36 weeks. Joshua and I have to wonder if that would make a difference in their assessment of him.

We are able to go in there and change him into the adorable clothes we have received which I will post pictures of. I can pick him up and hold him. I've been holding him swaddled, but they think it might be better if I held him skin to skin instead, so the plan is to start that immediately.
We discussed discharge and the upper elevation in Utah. So they are going to do a hypoxia test on him to see how his lungs manage the altitude change. Which is a pretty big deal given how much higher Utah is in elevation. They also told us we would know two weeks in advance on discharge, and that he isn't even within two weeks of discharge at this point. But fingers crossed!

Keep the prayers coming!
Much Love,
Rachel and Joshua

PS second picture is breastfeeding, but you can't see anything, so we thought it would be okay. No offense intended!